Tuesday 13 July 2010

Strange times/signs indeed...

Now I’m pretty certain this is not official London Underground signage…

I really have no idea how I even spotted that the standard issue security warning by the tube door had been replaced with a recipe for a margarita (yes, you read right - a recipe for a margarita…). I mean how often do we actually take in our surroundings whilst riding the tube for the billionth time?!? Particularly those of us who are avid readers (a.k.a fellow passenger avoiders). I can only guess that the part-time alcoholic in me was drawn to the word tequila!

I’ve googled this sign/art installation/cultural commentary using a multitude of combinations and phrases but to no avail, so if anyone knows the answer, please enlighten me!

My hunch is that its purpose/message is to highlight the fact that we never look at these signs even though they are concerned with our personal safety. So they can basically be replaced with anything and yet we are all none the wiser, nor do we care.

Or perhaps there is just someone out there that really loves a good margarita…

Boat Drinks but never tequila!


  1. Good observation cuz! But when you're herded onto the trains like cattle to a slaughter house for your daily grind at work one can be forgiven for not taking notice of the signs inside the machine of misery, can't we?! I like most usually enter drone/robot/slave mode the minute I leave the house - if attending a day of work. If I'm using it to journey to recreational activity in an evening I'm usually too inebriated to notice or care! Plus, I know what to do in most cases of an accident where I apply a fair amount of common sense... Oh, and also, I don't like being told what to do anyway!

  2. I keep my eyes peeled at all times, but have never seen any further stickers/drinks recipes. Incredibly elaborate for just a one off though...
