Wednesday 14 April 2010


My current commute read is one of Chuck Palahniuk’s relatively recents charmingly titled ‘Snuff’. It occurred to me this morning, whilst on my subterranean journey to work, that should a fellow tube passenger happen to glance over my shoulder to have a sneaky peek at literally any of the pages I was perusing, they would really think me some kind of sick degenerate. It is just so ruddy rude! I mean literally filthy!!!
Of course this being Palahniuk it is also a bitingly brutal satire too, so I’m going to stick with the premise that I am reading for my cerebral self rather than due to some guttural urges.

I can assure you that I am not a deviant that dabbles in porn to alleviate the boredom of my wander to work (although that might not be a bad idea…).

Boat Drinks Branch Bacardi!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Winter of (Snowy) Contentment

Apologies, but I am going for a brief (backwards) spin in my own personal DeLorean here. These snowy scenes are from earlier this year and are already much cherished memories. London is just about emerging from the coldest winter for over 30 years and I quite simply can’t recall the last time I have seen so much snow envelop my city. A brilliant pure white emulsion of snowflakes smothered every surface of the Big Smoke, obliterating so many of the ugly angles and even uglier idiots.

The quality of the images isn’t great as they were taken on a truly crummy camera-phone, but I would still like to think that they convey the solitary wintery wonderfulness. They were taken during a lunch break/escape when I hightailed it up Delancey Street to Regent’s Park and enjoyed the most stunning scene all on my lonesome, which was utter bliss of course! The snow showed no sign of abatement nor disturbance, the city stilled into frosty elegance. Of course I would love London when there isn’t another soul in sight...

Boat Drinks to true winters!